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    Graphically most advanced PC games in 2021


    The motion picture industry has been the front runner of innovation for decades. Much like other creative mediums, films are not only judged on their content, but also by the artistic techniques used to bring them to life. Everything from makeup and wardrobe to computer-generated imagery (CGI) and computer animation is carefully crafted in order to provide an authentic atmosphere that intrigues and captivates audiences worldwide.

    Since 2001, films have consistently pushed the limits of technology and CGI in order to create realistic-looking characters and even more realistic environments for said characters to live in. Many film critics argue that the recent Star Wars prequel trilogy was one of if not the most advanced example of what Hollywood is capable of doing with digital effects today.

    Although Hollywood blockbusters provide jaw-dropping visuals, the gaming industry has been catching up. It's no secret that many AAA titles such as Battlefield 3 and Crysis 3 look incredible in their own right, but just how advanced will they be in five years?

    So what will we see when we arrive in 2021? As early as 2016 we could start seeing games based on current technology which could utilize facial recognition and virtual reality in order to create a much more immersive environment. But it won't stop there because by 2021 movies like RoboCop (2014) and Minority Report (2002) could become the norm for interactive entertainment instead of fantasy thanks to technologies such as biofeedback and brain-computer interfaces. And thanks to nanotechnology it could also be possible for gamers to become a part of the game, where their bodies and facial expressions are projected onto avatars in real-time. The following is a list of 4 upcoming games that we may play in 2021:

    1 - Battlefield 5: Black Ops 4 (2021) This first-person shooter will take place in 2025 and will include mission-based objectives such as assassinating politicians and rescuing high profile individuals from places such as Area 51. Players will utilize jet packs and vehicles such as tanks and helicopters during gameplay, but they won't have to worry about friendly fire thanks to an advanced Kinect system that can detect when your gun isn't pointed towards enemies.

    2. Gears of War 7 (2021) Epic Games is looking to take the popular first-person shooter series in an entirely different direction. Instead of focusing on large scale battles involving Locust troops, Gears of War 7 will be a prequel that takes place during the early years of the war between humans and machines known as The Machina War. It will utilize Microsoft's IllumiRoom projected display technology in order to create an even more life-like environment for gamers by extending gameplay beyond the television screen. This next-generation Kinect system has facial recognition capabilities so it can detect your facial movements, heart rate, body temperature, eye movement speed and brain activity all at once.

    3. Portal 3 (2021) Valve's critically acclaimed puzzle platformer will be receiving a sequel that will not only focus on advanced physics, but also on the relationship between two characters from different dimensions. Players from both worlds must team up to work together in order to prevent rogue AIs from taking over the multiverse. Portal 3 may utilize brain-computer interfaces which can detect gamers' thoughts and even read their memories in order to incorporate them into the game more realistically.

    4. Ninja: the feudal Japanese assassins is looking to bring back one of its most popular titles with a vengeance by focusing on additional features including old Japanese traditions such as Samurai, Ninja gaming traditions.


    After reading this article gamers should have a good idea of what the next five years may hold. The important thing to keep in mind is that all these games are based on speculation and could change drastically by 2021, but it's still fun to think about the future nonetheless. Although these games will be graphically superior to anything we've ever seen before, they won't necessarily prevent us from enjoying older titles such as Fallout: New Vegas (2010) and Grand Theft Auto V (2013). But unlike previous console generations where our favorite gear would stick around for decades, technology advances at such an accelerated pace that we'll need something better every few years or else we risk becoming obsolete.

    Edited by [email protected]

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